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السنة 5008 أبريل 2022 - 30 برمهات 1738 ش     العدد كـــ PDFالعدد 13-14

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His Holiness Pope Tawadros II’s Wednesday meeting Sermon March 30, 2022
Titled “Where are you?”
Meeting Christ in the places of healing

ترجمة: د. ماريان فؤاد - مدرس مساعد بكلية الطب جامعة المنيا

08 أبريل 2022 - 30 برمهات 1738 ش

Throughout the past weeks of Lent, we talked about the possibility of meeting Christ in various places.

We started in the hermitage, and at the time of solitude, at home with the prodigal son, and in the workplace with the Samaritan woman, and in the paralyzed man Sunday, we see possibility of meeting Christ in the hospital.

The lake of Beit Hesda is in the shape of the palm of the hand, and the word Beit Hesda is a Hebrew one meaning the house of mercy, as we say the hospital of sympathy or the house of healing...

Imagine the place where patients with various diseases are thrown: blind, lame, and with bone injuries, and paralyzed...we might call it a hospital for incurable diseases. Jesus met the paralytic and cured him of three diseases:

(1) Mental illness: When Jesus asked him, “Do you want to be healed?” He said, “I have no man…”; This is the disease of selfishness that humans have, but Christ came to him specifically to be his companion, therefore Christ is present in the place of healing.

(2) Physical illness: When Jesus said, “Get up, take up your bed and walk.” Imagine how his muscles became stiff from the length of the illness, but Christ gave him a cure from this physical illness.

(3) Spiritual illness: He said to him: “Do not sin either....” Some fathers say that the disease that the man suffered is a disease linked to sin according to the concepts of the Old Testament, and that Christ was interested in saving himself from spiritual diseases by repentance.

There are many verses in the Bible that show us beautiful images in the correct life. For example, in his Sermon on the Mount, he says, “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (1) and perfect here in the sense of mental, physical and spiritual health. Also, St. John the Beloved says: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (2). And in the sacrament of unction of the sick, one of the phrases we pray: “As you cleansed the leper by your word and removed the leper from his body by your will, so remove every disease from the body of your servants, sanctify and purify them.” The Lord Christ is the true physician of our souls, our bodies, and our spirits.

         The paralyzed man of Beit Hesda had been lying down for many years not expecting to meet the Christ, being abandoned by his relatives who get disappointed of his illness, but he met Christ.

(1) The doctor: You may meet Christ in the person of the attending physician, or any of the hospital staff. A doctor whose word can be a message from Christ; In Joshua ben Sirach he says a beautiful phrase: “Give doctors the honor they deserve, for the Lord gave them their work to do.  Their skill came from the Highest, and kings reward them for it. Their knowledge gives them a position of importance, and powerful people hold them in high regard.” (3). And Saint Luke was a doctor. In the past, the doctor was learning philosophy, so we called the doctor “wise”, because wisdom is philosophy in its positive sense. In the history of the Church, Saints Cosmas and Damian are the patrons of the medical profession. They have churches named after them, and they have a famous icon in which they treat a man’s leg from gangrene.

Keep in mind to pray before you deal with the doctor so that God sends you messages on his way, whether in discovering the disease, diagnosis or treatment...etc.

(2) Nursing: You can meet Christ in a nursing person. The nursing profession is one of the very noble professions in the world, and the first known nurse in Christianity is Saint Phoebe in Rome, the deacon with whom the Apostle Paul sent his message to Rome. We also read about the most famous Saint Verena, who went with the Theban battalion to Switzerland, and taught people in Europe how to bathe and comb their hair, and she has a statue in the Swiss embassy in Cairo.

Through the profession of nursing, we can hear the voice of our Lord, and that is why we call it an angelic profession. All over the world and in Christian history we hear of nuns in many monasteries turning to the profession of health care. On my visit to Russia, I saw in one of the nuns' convents a small hospital with some difficult cases under the care of the nuns.

(3) Scientific and Medical stuff: You can meet with God through scientific and medical stuff in health, such as the stethoscope, which is one of the blessings of our Lord, because before the stethoscope existed, they heard with their ears! This is the simplest device, how much and how many other medical devices! This progress in medical devices is one of the blessings of God upon us, and signs of His care for us.

(4) Medications: you see Christ through medicines, which are now available in abundance. During the Second World War, about 70 or 75 years ago, there was no antibiotic, today there are 2000 antibiotics. Medicine is a means by which God speaks to man, even if it is a simple medicine such as a tablet of aspirin. Joshua bin Sirach says: “The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a sensible person will not hesitate to use them. Didn't a tree once make bitter water fit to drink, so that the Lord's power might be known? He gave medical knowledge to human beings, so that we would praise him for the miracles he performs.  The druggist mixes these medicines, and the doctor will use them to cure diseases and ease pain. There is no end to the activities of the Lord, who gives health to the people of the world. (4) ” Medicines are extracted from plants. In fact, the word “pharmacist” comes from a plant in the ground called sandalwood, which has therapeutic functions. Medicine in general is a message to you that your Christ is by your side, takes care of you, and heals you.

(5) Another patient: It is possible to hear the voice of Christ from another patient. Sometimes God sends you a patient to relieve you of certain troubles, a patient who has strong faith and strengthens your faith. I remember that about 20 years ago, they told me about a 26-year-old nurse who was diagnosed with cancer, and her name is Maryam. At that time, I got ashamed of myself, and I learned a lesson that a person may strengthen his faith because of severe illness.

Finally: In the place of mercy or the place of healing, you meet with Christ without an appointment. The patient of Bethesda had 38 years of illness, and he had no human being, but Christ became his companion, and he made a great miracle with him, and taught him not to sin again. Therefore, each time God allows you to deal with a doctor, hospital, or clinic in various health conditions, be prepared to meet Christ, and He will give you great blessings, whether comfort, tranquility, or healing.

(1) Matthew 5:48.   (2) 3 John 1:2.   (3) Sirach 38: 1-3.   (4) Sirach 38: 4-7

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